So last Thursday night we went to a soccer game, LIGA or LA U (I don't know why it is LA U but it is) So it has been a while since I've been at a soccer game...let me think since somewhere around 2001 my senior year in College when the Messiah Falcons (my alma matar) won the National Title!!! WOO HOO and well this game was a tad different. First of all I have never been in a stadium where people sang, chanted and screamed for the entire and I mean ENTIRE game. They have so many specific chants and songs especially for La U. It was like church no it was more exciting then church, if only people would get as excited to go to church as they do to go to a soccer game. They sang in the loudest voices I have ever heard, they cheered, I'm sure some people prayed and it was just intense...what would happen if we did that in church??? Anyway it was a great game we won 7-0!! WOO HOO There were flares, we threw rolls of paper, people ran towards the fence when we got a fact that was a tad scary, all the people behind us just started running and pushing, and then of course there was the shower of beer that came sprinkling down where there was a goal. It was a lot of fun, definitely a cultural experience and hopefully we will get to go again :) Here are some pics so you can get a better image of my LIGA experience :)
Waiting for the Game to Begin!!