Thursday, July 30, 2009

New position, New blog

Hi everyone most of you probably had no idea I even had a blog, well to be honest I forgot I had a blog. BUT, as I'm getting ready to return to Ecuador (in one week) I've decided I Really want to keep a blog about what I'm doing and what God is doing in my life and through this ministry! Plus all of you are supporting me in some way so I want you to see how God is using you in supporting me! So what is this new ministry, I will be working as Director of Ministry for the NILI program. First of all NILI stands for Nazarene International Language Institute, this is a full immersion Spanish Language Learning Program. But the neat thing about this program is we offer a ministry aspect to the learning of spanish and I will be organizing that part of the program. What does that mean, well during our semester we usually have a week or so of planned ministry, I will figure out where we will go and work (along side the rest of the NILI staff) then I will plan the events we will do, usually it is kids ministry. What is Kids ministry, it is roughly a 1 hour program where we sing, play games, Act out or use puppets to tell a Bible story, learn a Bible verse and most importantly love on the kids and people that we meet! Now, I know you are saying well that is only a week or so out of a semester what else will you do, I will also set up ministry opportunities for our students while they are on our seminary campus. I have learned that giving is so much more important then receiving so we want to give the students the opportunity to give back to the people here in Ecuador. That could be in holding babies at the orphanage, helping school kids with their english, visiting sick kids or the elderly in the hospital, or just helping with maintenance at the seminary (I have so many ideas) that plus lots of other odds and ends is what I will be busy with for the next few months. So stay tuned I will try to blog at least once a week (I'm really hoping for once a day, but things can get crazy at times) so stop back and visit and please feel free to write and stay in touch! Thank you for your Prayers, Thoughts, Financial support and Love! I appreciate each one of you and Thank God for you daily!

God Bless, Dios les Bendiga ~Jen :)

If you want to learn more about NILI check out our website: