Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Basilica

Wednesday's are our academic outtings and yesterday we went to my favorite place in Quito, the Basilica.  It is the largest catholic church in Quito, however it's never been finished.  The goal for this church was that it would reach to heaven, that goal never happened so the building is huge but not completed.  Instead of being decorated with gold or marble inside it is just river rock, so everything is grey.  It sounds kind of boring, but the awesome part about this church is that you can climb up to the top of the towers and look out over Quito and get some pretty sweet pictures!  This is not my mom's favorite place because I like to be daring and hang out of whatever nook or cranny I can find, I am ALWAYS holding on, but sometimes it looks like I'm in a dangerous spot.  No te precupes mis hermanos (don't worry my friends)  and enjoy the pics of the Basilica! 

Oh you know what else we got to explore yesterday, not just the high towers, but also the Catacombs!  It was so cool, kind of scary at first.  But we went down under the Basilica and there are hallways of boxes lining the sides of the halls and that is where the people are buried.  Its an incredible sight.  Below are some pictures of the catacombs also!  Enjoy!
Lucy, me and Natasha


Isn't that an awesome view!!!

Here's Quito!!!

Isaac in a little was a dare to see if he would fit...he did

Lucy playing the Organ, her hands hardly reached the keys

How many NILI's can you fit in this space??

The "chapel" in the catacombs of the Basilica

The what seemed to be the never ending Hallways of the catacombs

The tombs in the walls of the Catacombs

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chocolate...what they don't tell you on the Chocolate World tour at Hershey

So this past week we ( 7 NILIs, 3 staff members,  2 seminary students, and 1 member of a local church) traveled to Santo Domingo for a week of ministry.  We knew we were going to be doing a lot of work like painting and working on the foundation of a cistern, but we didn't know we would get to try tons of new fruits one being Cacao.  First of all God worked in an amazing way on this trip, preparing hearts and minds for his work and we all came home with a new understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ.  And how each part is important and if we work together with Christ as our focus we can complete anything!  Everyone on the trip worked really hard and did a great job of working and sharing God's word and love in ministry through song and a drama.  You can check out the NILI 9 Everything skit on Youtube, click here:

I have also posted lots of pictures on my facebook of our Santo Domingo trip check them out here:!/album.php?aid=552442&id=786695077&ref=mf

Ok so now onto the Chocolate, first of all did you know chocolate comes from the Cacao plant?  (they tell you that much at Hershey) but did you know it was first known as a fruit and not for the dark sweet goodness known as chocolate.  It is a fruit and it's really good.  You open the cacao pod and there are these white gooey globs, you put them in your mouth and suck off the sour and sweet white stuff then you are left with a seed...THAT is what turns into chocolate.  You have to clean off the seeds and let them ferment then they are dried and toasted then cleaned and ground and then made into paste which then needs to be spun until it is the sweet chocolaty goodness, although it is very bitter. We went on a chocolate tour in Mindo a small town in Ecuador where we learned all about this's not quite like the ride through Hershey's chocolate world with the singing cows and large machines doing the work of making the chocolate.  First we saw Cacao growing in it's natural habitat so many times in our travels in Santo Domingo.  And we tasted that yummy fruit many times also.  Then on the tour in Mindo we walked to what looked like a green house made of plastic and saw where the cacao seeds are fermented and dried.  Then we walked to the house where on the roof was the "chocolate factory" with homemade machines to toast, clean, ground, make paste and spin the chocolate.  And of course to finish the tour we had a taste test of the bitter chocolate with out sugar and then finally the grand finale of Brownies and either chocolate ice cream or hot chocolate.  Again a little better then the one piece of free chocolate you get at the end of the Hershey tour.  It was really fun to see the real thing being made, it is quite a long process and even though we brought home some cacao to try to make our own chocolate, I think it is better left to the professionals!  And yes it was fun and really good chocolate in the end Hershey's is still the best (gotta stay true to my roots)  :)    Below are some pictures of the cacao we found while driving and the chocolate tour in Mindo!

Me and the Cacao on the tree

From left to right:  cacao pod, me eating the fruit, cacao seed

The cacao pod, fruit, seed and toasted chocolate (very bitter)

This is where the Cacao ferments and dries

Cacao fermenting (this makes good chocolate)

Cacao's starting to smell like chocolate

This is the Toaster

The seed cleaner

The grinder

This makes chocolate paste

The paste spinning for three days...we're getting close


Thursday, September 2, 2010

And we're off...again!

So I've been back in Ecuador two and 1/2 weeks and Lots has happened!  First I got engaged!!!  Yes the night I arrived Harrison surprised me with a HUGE bouquet of Beautiful Roses and a beautiful ring and he asked me to marry him!!!  So that is very exciting!  Then the next day our new group of NILI's arrived.  We are currently in our 9th semester of NILI, which is so hard to believe.  We have 7 Wonderful students from three different Universities:  Olivet Nazarene, Southern Nazarene and the newest school to join with us George Fox University!  For the past two weeks we have been getting everyone oriented and into their Spanish classes, and Tomorrow we are leaving for our first long trip and it's our ministry trip!!!!  We are headed to Santo Domingo, where we will be staying at the Nazarene Campground and working at various churches on that district.  The students have been working on a drama to the lifehouse song "everything"  that they will perform in the churches.  We will be doing some painting, and kids ministry along with lots of other fun activities.  So please pray for us this week as we journey out to Love on the people of Ecuador through work, ministry and fellowship!